Will You Love Money Back?

If you think about it, money has always been there for you.

People may have blocked money from you, but money was always there.

For instance, a parent may have blocked money from you. 

Maybe they taught you that loving money was morally wrong, blocking your ability to receive it.

Or maybe you lived in luxury, but associated this wealth with the breadwinner in your family, and never learned how to connect with money on your own terms.

A partner or spouse may have blocked money from you. 

Maybe they stole from you, overspent, or lied about debt. 

Or maybe they were such strong earners, earning money ended up feeling flat to you, eventually making you estranged from money.

Whatever you experienced, where was money during all of this? 

Money was always there, ready to be with you; willing to serve and delight you, hoping to be noticed and loved back.

As you think back, you can see times when a person was trying to block money from you, and money still found its way to you.

Going forward, are you ready to start anew and grow a healthy fun relationship with money?

You have to be really open to exploring this, because your logical mind may think of money as just something used to pay bills and save.

Consider all the emotions that surround money. The wars that have been fought, the marriages that have ended, as well as the dreams that have been built, and joy experienced.

Money has energy.

You can see the proof of that everywhere around you.

Money wants to work with you, not against you.

The real question is: how are you treating money?

In coaching clients around money, I hear a lot of stories, and have my own story too.

If you've had some negative experiences with money, are you willing to let go of those old stories and perceptions and begin a new story today?

You can begin with several simple steps.

First, in your journal, begin a daily practice of noticing and writing down gratitude for how money has shown up for you. If you are experiencing some fears around money, this may be hard for you. I get it. Just keep writing each day. Over time, your gratitude muscle will become stronger and you will begin to show up as a more graceful, grateful partner.

Next, in your journal, draw two columns. In the left column, write down all the bad money habits you have.  In the right column, right down corresponding positive money habits you can replace each bad habit with. 

For instance, if you spend  without knowing how much money is in your account, the positive habit would be something like "I pay attention to you, money. I notice that you showed up in my account, and respect you by spending the right amount."

Third, be a strong money generator. Just like any relationship, you have to show up in integrity, and make an effort to keep growing. Think about it: any relationship you participate in, when you make a concerted effort to be a phenomenal friend, parent, or partner, it improves the relationship.

The same is true with money. You have to generate and foster a relationship that is exciting, fun and healthy for both of you.

Money loves you and wants to be with you. 

When you become open to receiving more money, you take powerful actions to help money arrive at your door, so you can be together. You have to get over your fears to make this happen.

Fears are a normal part of life, and will always come up, so it is imperative that you develop some tools to push the fears away.

What does that mean for you? 

The key to exponential growth is finding the piece of your business you really adore and become willing to do that which sounds frightening.

Another part of becoming more successful, is becoming willing to charge what you're worth, which of course entails you owning your own power.

As you come into your power more and more, money will love it. Remember, money loves being on this exciting ride with you.

All that is needed is for you to begin showing up as a good partner to money.

Try my 3 tips for 3 days:  showing gratitude for money, shifting into positive money habits, and taking scary actions on the projects that mean the most to you. 

During those 3 days see what comes up for you and email me and let me know.

Money loves you. Will you love money back?

June 3, 2021

Contact me if you’d like some tips on how you can improve your relationship with Money.